About Me

Hello I’m Katherine and welcome to BeBOLD Chic, a boutique that encourages you to LOVE the skin you’re in and wear what makes YOU feel amazing. I’ve always had a love for shopping and curating cute outfits. I believe it stems from my beautiful grandmother, an ALWAYS put-together-lady and excellent seamstress in Puerto Rico.

She was known for not only designing and sewing wedding dresses but outfitting entire wedding parties! She made many dresses for the family including my sister and myself. One of the last dresses she ever made, and the one I still cherish today, is my Sweet 15 ball gown.
One of her many wonderful traits was her keen ability for making everyone feel amazing regardless of their shape or size. I believe I’ve been blessed with this gift too. I came to realize this over the last few years while motivating and encouraging ladies in my private wellness group.                                                         

What began as a desire to motivate others to exercise morphed into a mission to promote self-love and body positivity above weight loss. Now, I am looking to spread this philosophy to ladies everywhere through this a boutique that offers size inclusivity and a community that empowers women to live in their own skin. 

Like many ladies, I struggle at times with accepting myself as I am. It’s easy to get swept up into unrealistic societal expectations, am I right? Well, I’m here to remind you that YOU are beautiful just as YOU ARE and you CAN feel absolutely amazing in clothes that accentuate your attributes. 

Self-acceptance, however, starts on the inside! A major focus of mine for myself, my shop, and for this community is working on loving and caring for ourselves from inside out. 

Aside from sharing cute clothes with you, my mission is to advocate for body positivity and healthy living. Why? Because living an active life is critical to our overall health and well-being. So I invite you to visit my shop and also join the BeBOLD Chic community on Facebook and Instagram. 

Join me here! Be BOLD